05 December, 2007

I realise..

There always comes a time when you are too embarassed to visit your own blog. Thats the phase I am going thru now.
I have lots to write about but I am battling the devil in my head. Heres what going on in my head before I start typing:

"Should I now?
Why am I blogging out of the blue today?
Nevermind..its not like anybody visits here anyway.
Hey I am blogging for myself! No actually I am doing this to keep up my promise. (Hoo boy I am bold!)
Am I?
But the last post was from Riya..so shouldnt she be writing more?
WTF is wrong with me???? This blog is driving me nuts!!!!!
Hang on its just a silly blog why am I thinking so much about it??? Go on get typing.
Wait a minute...what am I talking about here? Damn I forgot! There really was something interesting I wanted to write about. DAMMIT!"

And another day passes by...


Anonymous said...

I hear you sistah! I still come here though (watch my halo).

Anonymous said...

Erm... Does this mean I shouldn't come back here with expectations of a REAL post till next year?

Saritha said...

Yup. On the brighter side, next year isnt too far away. :)